The moment of the great peace-making at Marudi, 1899, Baram District, between the Kayan, Kenyah, and Klemantan Tribes of East and West Borneo
History of the Object
Group portrait showing chiefs sitting on a raised dais between wooden carved images, with tribesmen in the background. The two central figures are Tama Bulan and Tama Kulieng.
Photograph of Great Marudi Peacemaking Ceremony in central Borneo.
Creative Commons, CC.
'The photograph is from: Hose, Charles and Shelford, Robert (1900), 'Descriptive album of the country and people of Sarawak'.
Harpenden: Valentine and Co. This ceremony, and the background to it, are described in detail in: Dougall, W. (1900), 'A savage peace conference', 'The Eagle' - the magazine of St John's College, Cambridge.