The museum was founded in 1882 by Georg J:son Karlin and opened as an open-air museum in 1892. Kulturen is next to Skansen in Stockholm the biggest Swedish open-air museum. The focus of the museum is, and has always been, on the regional collections. In addition to this, the global perspective has resulted in large international specialist collections. Kulturen has several exhibitions of high quality on fine art, decorative art, archaeology and cultural history, many of them very large and permanent. Besides the fundamental task of conserving, preserving and documenting, we also have a large production of exhibitions and special programs for children and adults. The ambition today is to be a “thinking museum” – to ask new questions about the old material. The open-air museum area is 16,500 square metres with around 35 buildings from the 15th to the 20th century and the total exhibition area is 8,000 square metres.
Map Of Museums